On October 12th, 2005 I was hired as an associate at WAL-MART Supercenter #2046 in Augusta, ME. As a temporary (and later part-time) hire, I averaged 32 hours per week at $7.40 per hour, with no benefits. My hours were erratic and I worked throughout the store as a cashier and door guard, in customer service and layaway, and at times even helping the stockmen and sales floor associates. All the while I witnessed the company cheat their employees out of benefits and raises, ignore workplace safety hazards, rig charitable-giving totals, engage in gender discrimination... It didn't take much of this for me to realize how difficult a job this truly is, especially given the intense pressure, the culture of fear, and the utter lack of respect handed down by the company. But I think what makes this job nearly unbearable is that, at the end of the day, despite working for the largest corporation in the world, these workers must return home to a life of poverty.
And as unpleasant as the job itself may have been, I had fun doing it. Inevitably it helped to know that I was at least trying to do something good, but ultimately it was the people that I befriended that made the experience worthwhile... as well as so difficult. WAL-MART reaps billions of dollars in profits by exploiting its workers and it is simply not right. The good news is that we have the power to stop the injustice. By standing up to WAL-MART and threatening the only thing they care about, their profits, we can reform this company for the better. It is a big job, so let us each begin today.
Let me just say that if you have read this whole blog from start to finish, well done! I really appreciate your reading and hope that you too will decide to hold WAL-MART responsible by not shopping there. And if you have just discovered this treasure trove, start at the beginning and work your way forward... I think you will find it worth your while. Thanks again.
1 – 200 of 466 Newer› Newest»I have read your whole blog and I found it really interesting. Thank you for telling this long story. I knew Walmart was bad, of course, but you give a lot of details that I didn't know of.
I don't shop at Walmart. I find it depressing to see how many people shop there. It seems to me people could think a bit about the consequences of their buying there. A community group here in Montreal is protesting plans to build a Walmart in a poor area of the city, where it would have the usual effect of killing all the small stores around.
And when Walmart becomes the only store around, they can impose their «values», like deciding not to sell the morning-after pill... http://go.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=11213452&src=rss/topNews
I did read your blog from startto finish and am very impressed- both by your writing ability, and by the fact that you did what you did.There's a lot more I'd like to say! Is there a way for us to talk off-line? I've never been to a blog before and don't know that protocol. But I want to ask you a question more in private. My email address is maclbly@yahoo.com. Thanks! - Nelly Bly
I must say that I love you blog, it is one hundred percent accurate, depressing, but accurate. I graduated with a BFA in photography from RIT in upstate NY in 2002. I grew up in Maine and all of my family is still there. They all work in the same blanket factory in Biddeford. It is one of the last manufactoring plants left in southern Maine. Everything is gone, the leather shops, the textiles jobs, the only thing left is service jobs. My mother, having to pay bills, was forced to take a position at Wal-Mart in Biddeford many years ago. My wife is a physical therapist and she took a travel position a few years ago and I have been traveling with her ever since. She had a position in Brunswick for about ten months and i took a position at Gap Outlet in Freeport to make some money at the time. I found the same practices were the same within that company. Everyone hired was temp, Out of over seventy employees only four had benefits. I would get fourty hours weekly until it came to working one more and I could be considered full time and they would cut me down to ten hours. They did this to everyone. It is sad what this country has turned into and the cycle that we are now in. I am hoping to make it back to Maine some time soon to continue working on a photographic essay on Maine and the reality of trying to make a living there. I am always correcting poeple when they find out I am from Maine. Everyone thinks I grew up on the coast, ate lobster every day and was raised in a paradise. No one realizes that Maine is a horrible place to live and raise a family. My family struggled and still are. I find the term "the way life should be" sadly ironic. The way life should be for tourist that is. Well...great blog...
I truly enjoyed your blog. Most of the substance of your reports wasn't news to me but it was good to have corroboration. I think the most appalling thing was watching you get more desirable jobs while others who had more experience and were better qualified were ignored. That was just too depressing. I'm so glad that you managed one small victory in your 'career' there.
Thank you.
I just want to say thanks for your efforts - both at committing yourself to living "in the belly of the beast" for a time, and also for sharing it with readers.
I only recently found your blog when it was mentioned in another blog closer to home - Adirondack Wal-Mart.
At this time, our small village of Saranac Lake, in the northern Adirondack Park is dealing with Wal-Mart's desire to plunk down a 121,000 "small" supercenter on the outskirts of our downtown. There's a fair number of folks who've bought into the Wal-Mart advertising: smiley faces, packed aisles, everything you never realized you needed 'til it hopped into your cart...
But there's also a significant portion of our population (more trees than people hereabouts, but that's fine with most of us) who have SERIOUS reservations for any number of reasons.
Your writings do an excellent job of illuminating the daily grind - showing the human side, that folks working for the WM are in a tough bind, doing their best in very difficult circumstances, under the thumb of, what else can we call it but the Company Store.
I wish you well wherever your path leads. And thanks again.
If you ever come through Saranac Lake, mention you're the Working At Wal-Mart Blogger as most any downtown shop, and many of us will want to shake your hand!
Peter Wilson
Major Plowshares Army & Navy Surplus
Big Trailer Trash Sale at Walmarts!!!
Doors open at 9am. Stampede as you enter.
Chewing Tobacco, Snot Rags, Frying Pans, Deliverance Documentry, Portable Commodes, Used Trailers,KKK memorabilia, Spam, Reversible Underwear, Used toilet paper, Grits, GM Pickups, Beer, Cigarettes, XXXXX-Large Panties, Incest Condoms, Outhouse Decorations, 12 Letter Alphabet soup, 8Track tapes, Frozen Possum, Deer Urine Perfume, Stuckeys coupons, Boiled Peanuts, Spam, Beer Flavored toothpaste, Hound Dogs, Jerry Springer Videos, Milk Crates,Mini-Stills, Shotguns, Wife Beater T-Shirts,Baking Grease, Cigarettes, Patio Furniture, Deer Lure Cologne, Beer, Pink Flamingos, Brand new B&W TV's, Confederate Flags, Cigarettes, CB radios, Sheep, Beer, Camo, Road Kill Cookbook, Fake Teeth, Beer....
Your WalMart Manager
Hi Josh, I wrote to you last week, but maybe I didn't do it right. Is it possible for you to email off blog? I have been doing essentially what you did (working at Walmart to see what the conditions are), (and wish to remain anonymous at this time), and would love to "chat" with you about lots of topics. You can email me at maclbly@yahoo.com. Thanks! Nelly Bly
Please, please, please more stories!
Excellent job Josh! You are the man!
I previously worked at Wal-Mart for over 4 years. I've seen Wal-Mart give jobs to people who could find them nowhere else. I've seen very talented people working there, with little ambition in life, so they settled for the Wal-mart existance.
There were never anyone "cheated" out of benefits -- your comments make me believe that you have an overreaching sense of entitlement. It is nobody's responsibility to make sure work exists for you, and if you agree to not get benefits, don't be suprised where there aren't any.
Nobody is going to hand benefits out to you for unskilled labor. Some workplaces may provide this (go find them!), but this should not be expected of a job that required "no experience necessary".
If you want benefits, get some skills so that you do not have to work in a commodity job.
People that need benefits should not take jobs at Wal-mart. Wal-mart is great for the young, the old, the transitional, the disabled, and the second income. If you are a head of household, and you get a job at Wal-mart, what are you thinking?!?!?! Why would you let your family down in such a way? Better yet, what have you done with your life to make this the best work possible for you?
Just because a job exists, does not mean that its right for you, or that you should take it.
Are Wal-mart jobs the best in your neighborhood? It sounds like you should be living somewhere else.
Are your politicians not attracting better jobs than Wal-mart? Elect new ones.
Wal-mart makes living affordable for millions of people, and they do this by letting thousands of Americans with free time make some extra cash. It worked for me, and I wasn't dumb enough to make a 10 year "career" out of it. If you want a career out of Wal-mart, get into the management program. Also, get ready for the company to move you around the country every 18 months, its part of the deal.
This isn't France where we protest until the government guarantees us jobs for nothing.
Hi Josh, I stumbled upon your blog, great stuff!
I have been offered a job in my local wal-mart's photolab. Though it's in Canada, I'm certain it's the same. Is there anything you can tell me about the gig? Do most people like it? How is the work itself? I'm 24, so I'm fairly young. Would you recommend it?
Thanks for any advice!
- Ryan
wow my wal-mart is really screwing me over, I only get 5.80 an hour.
Alright lets think about what you just said. All of these people say that walmart associates live in poverty, but if you boycott walmart and leave them high and dry. 1.5 million associates will be losing a paycheck. They pay 1.5 million people bi-weekly. Where are those 1.5 million going to go with no money?
Your an idiot. I'm sure you have all the facts to back up your claims. Yea, Right.
I know exactly how you feel. I've been a cashier for 7 months now in Vernal Utah and reading your blogs brings back the same thing to me. On my 90 day Eval. They asked me to be a sponsor, It's now my 7th month and I haven't sponsored anyone. They asked me to do the Service Desk, (which I REALLy want to do) and they gave it to someone else. They ask me to be CSM and I take the Assesment and pass, they gave it to someone else. I Volunteer to do Door Breaks becuase everyone else hates it. I Volunteered to go to another city to help re-model their store for 7 weeks. Now they are asking me to do it again, I have been getting carts and being door greeter for all of my shifts for the last week, I complain to management and they just brush it off their shoulders... It's insane. I completely understand how you feel and it's crazy that it's happened to both of us... i just haven't quit yet. Comment back- Email me. Nathanblasier@hotmail.com
Josh, thanks so much for this blog. I'm a Stop Wal-Mart activist, union member, and youth minister from New Jersey and you really portray the feeling of working at Wal-Mart, and so many of the other McJobs today's youth are stuck in.
Best luck to you in all your work.
My granparents work for Wal-mart and you should just stick to being whatever you supposedly majored in.
Hello Josh. Found your blog by google. I start as a part time cashier at a supercenter Tuesday...and am very anxious. I'm going to read your entire blog, and treat it as research. I'm 23, come from Mt.Vernon Oregon...and have a social sciences degree. Heh...just thought the similarities were interesting.
Josh, I took a leisurely couple of hours this evening to read your blog from start to finish. Although I've studied many Wal-Mart and retail-oriented blogs and forums for some time, the story you present here gives the best overall picture of the plight of big-box employees that I have seen yet, and your candid style made it a pleasure to read.
If I may share a bit, I'm a 43-year-old housewife who, in spite of a BA in advertising, have spent my entire working career in retail and office jobs. I made that decision in the mid-80's for a number of reasons. I was a rebel at heart to begin with and a "closet socialist" to boot, which made me a fringe character at a time when Ronny Raygun was deified and the "Greed Is Good" culture was spreading like cancer.
Also, by the time I graduated I had already become thoroughly disgusted by the cutthroat and predatory practices emerging in my chosen field. Call it innocence lost.
So I proudly donned my "Die Yuppie Scum" T-shirt and joined the service industry workforce. I figured at least I'd be making an honest living, right? (But as you intimated, it's easy for a worker to find himself feeling like an accomplice to a crime). I've put in a few years each at fast food, a nationwide grocery chain, a major insurance company, a major bank, and couple of mega-publishers. And all of this in a "right-to-work" state, where Union is a dirty word, and worker abuse is flagrant and unchecked.
I can tell you that the types of unethical practices and employee abuses you witnessed at Wal-Mart are being implemented at warp speed by companies in all different fields. It seems every major local employer is scrambling to adopt every element of the Wal-Mart model that they can feasibly apply to their own businesses. The sad result has been that blue-collar workers in this area can now accurately predict that they will be treated with the utmost disrespect regardless of where they choose to work. And now with recession looming, they feel more helpless than ever.
Anyways, I've been personally boycotting Wal-Mart since early 2002, as well as trying to enlighten anyone who will listen.
I've made a few converts, but mostly people tell me that although they agree completely, they simply can't afford to shop anywhere else. And even my converts have reacted primarily by shifting their business to Target, or some other big-box chain cast in the same mold as Wally World.
Meantime, I'll do my best to spread links to your excellent blog far and wide. Thanks for your efforts,
Nice work. Haven't read the whole thing yet, but I enjoy your writing and your charisma. I, too, work for Wal-Mart and found your site while searching for information on the company for my senior thesis. I appreciate your honesty. Keep it up.
I agree with you all the way! I work at Wal*Mart in ny as a maintenance associate. they not only have me pushing carts but also greating people at the door and stocking! i have put in for many many other jobs in my dashboard and 3 jobs have completly passed me by!
and still i have yet to recieve more than 32 hours! Just enough to keep me from getting a fulltime pay
Unfortunately, I work for Walmart. I'm a new hire and have been there for a week now. I hate it. Everything about it. I want to quit but it'd upset my husband. Wondering if there's any way to get fired, lol. Maybe I should tell them I decided to take a job at Target??
I've been Wal-Mart free for about 3 years or so now. I'm interested in reading more about your experience there (I've olny read the most recent post).
This is a really complicated issue. More so than documentaries, books, or blogs would lead folks to believe. I hope that raising awareness / support for the fair treatmentof the workers that corporations profit so much from is hope of this experiment. It's an awefully popular thing these days to use different forms of media to join in with the "down with corporations" sermon of our day. (Supersize Me, Corporation, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices) The main problem though is that only the Choir gives any ear to the preacher.
Good luck with this blog. Hopefully someone will read something new to them and will think differently about some of this stuff.
Hi Josh,
This blog is fantastic! The way you've shed light on the worker's experience at Wal Mart is a real eye-opener and very intelligently written. Everyone should read this.
I'm working on a short story that involves a character who works the night shift at Wal Mart and your blog has been a very helpful resource. Would you be open to answering a few questions about the fine details of the Wal Mart experience if I emailed them to you?
Cheers and keep doing the right thing.
bwksnc AT mta DOT ca
Hi my name is Stacey, I am currently studying law, and I have a younger brother who has recently been hired to work at walmart. I was wondering if you could email me at snowchick19@hotmail.com an let me know all of the complaints and violations you have discovered since working there. I intend to take this to my professor, and see what I can do legaly to change the way this company treates its millions of employees. Walmart is one of the biggest retail companies in buisness today, and to have the fat CEO's get richer and richer off of innocent children, senior citizens, people down on their luck, and faitful employees makes me sick. Any information you could supply me would be appreciated.
Thank you
I just finished reading all your blogs. I've always hated the way wal-mart treats there employees. Your blog gave me a great inside view of how things actually work on the inside.
Thanks for a great blog
Wonderful blog.
I left a comment further down and it was just like you bitching and complaining. Guess where I stand with the company now- I'm an assistant Mgr for a walmart going on 2 years with the company. I have great benefits and a lot of paid time off. I bring in 80 Thousand a year, I can transfer anywhere in the World and be guarenteed a job. They even pay for the movement. ppl just need to stop complaining about life and work, stick it out and it pays off. trust me.
I did read your blog,( my first ever)I currently work at walmart and I do agree with you. For The area I live in my hourly wage is fairly good for not being a factory job. However after you deduct our health insureance, I feel like I'm below minimum wage. I have worked for walmart for 7 years and a cashier who recently quit for 2 weeks then decided to come back was rehired for .60 less an hour then I make. Fair, no way. The management team also have thier "favorites" just like evey where so unless your "one of them" no matter how many copliments you get you never get ahead or "move up the ladder."
As for our health insurance I don"t under stand how a billion dollar company can't get better insurance for less. An example my sister-in-law works for a copany with about 80-100 employees and she had the same insurance (UPMC) I had and for her and her spouse paid $68 a paycheck. Me for me & my spouse $168 a pay check. We both now have a Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan she has dental & vision, I don't Her cost $52 a pay, Mine $143 a pay. Couldn't a company that is supposed to care so much for thier employees and have a larger employee count get lower cost and better insursnce. I think not because "we need our profits for the big bonusus we get"
That's crazy dude!
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hi josh,
you really did an awesome job with this - i read the whole thing! your commentary on your experience is both true and insightful, and i think it shows a lot of chutzpah on your part to have gone through 4 months of this hell for the sake of others. bravo! i hope that you continue to do something good with the knowledge you gained from this experience.
awesome blog, a real eye-opener. Thanks for sticking it out for so long for the sake of this expose.
Yeah, I'm an actual former Wal-Mart slave myself. Wasted 4 years of my life there.
hi i have been a walmart employee for nearly 5 years now mainly because after migrating from another country i found that none of of my previously attained skills were recognized here,so after waiting 2 years for a resident visa and having very few options,like retraining in the the fields i already was certified..i applied and got the job.
i dont know about the u.s but we have what they call self evals which are the biggest pile of shit i have ever seen..in 5 years i have had 5 different swas leaders which all came in a month or so before my eval..makes no difference what you do or what you can do they dont care they dont know you or your ability and whats most worrying is they dont want to
i am in my mid 50s now so a career its not..so really i find it a good place to retire in no pressure is put on me..im in my own department which i find enjoyable talking to people about things i do know about,ive found that walmart shoppers are a different breed to themselves..we have our regular customers come in
and i have to say very nice people indeed.
everything i have read is absolutely true..the wages are crap...conditions are poor...its a very clicky place..but in my situation its not about wages anymore...
so in closing sure we can blame walmart for all the wrongs of the world...or the whole retail industry lets face it its profit over people..but when you think about it they work inside the rules provided by governing bodies maybe some of the blame should be directed to the people who are elected to serve you things like minimum wage,
full time eligability..i know the government standards where i am are not worth wiping your arse on..
My husband is a Wal-Mart Manager - he's the big guy, the one who runs the entire store (obviously I won't say where).
Josh, I myself used to work at Wal-Mart and absolutely HATED the job. I DID NOT work in the same store my husband manages because it is against Wal-Mart policy for an hourly associate and a salaried member of management who are related to work in the same store (at least it is where we are). I was 7 months pregnant when I was hired in the jewelry department. My department manager made me work on my feet for my entire shift and I actually got yelled at one night for sitting down because my feet hurt so bad I could hardly stand anymore. That night I got home and complained to my husband about the way I was treated and all he said was "if you don't like the job - quit". It's not like I had to work anyway, I just wanted something to do. I quit the next day - no two week notice or anything and that is not in my character at all.
Despite the problems I had with Wal-Mart when I worked there, the main reason I decided to send this comment is that my husband has proven to me that Wal-Mart is actually a great place to work if you quit complaining about it and do your job. I can tell you that the reason you were treated so badly in your final two weeks is because they thought you were a worthless employee to begin with and they were happy to be getting rid of you. In my husband's "department manager", "assistant manager", and "co-manager days", he and his "gang" used to treat their worthless employees the same way.
One other thing I had to laugh at was when you said that if you are leaving to work for the competition it is "Wal-Mart policy" to immediately dismiss you - THAT IS THE BIGGEST BUNCH OF CRAP I'VE EVER HEARD! In fact, my husband's current co-manager left Wal-Mart a few years ago to be a manager at Target. He hated the job and re-applied with Wal-Mart - they welcomed him back at the same position he had when he left.
Other things you mention are benefits and wage. EVERY SINGLE Wal-Mart out there has different wages. It all depends on where that particular Wal-Mart is located. Even the management gets paid differently depending on the area. A person working in a New York City Wal-Mart is likely to make quite a bit more an hour than a person working in Podunk Little Nowhere Wal-Mart. Canada Wal-Mart's do not pay the same as Mexico Wal-Mart's and so on. It all depends on the cost of living for that particular area - and I do think Wal-Mart is very fair. They pay more than McDonald's, but I don't hear people complaining about McDonald's wages - do you?
As far as you complaining about not getting benefits - that's entirely your own fault! Wal-Mart offers benefits to every employee that works at least 20 hours per week. They probably have 10 different health insurance plans you can chose from. I will admit that some are not affordable for everyone, but the rest are, which is why they offer so many plans. AND of course you're going to have your premium deducted from your paycheck just like you would anywhere else you worked. WE DO NOT LIVE IN CANADA WHERE THERE IS FREE HEALTHCARE!!!!!!!! If you have a problem with the fact that they are taking your health insurance premium out of your paycheck, take it up with the government and not with Wal-Mart!
I just get so sick of everyone talking about how much Wal-Mart sucks. If you are unhappy with your job at Wal-Mart - don't work there. If you are unhappy with their products - don't shop there. If you work there and they treat you like crap - that probably means you are a worthless employee and they want you to quit! So, Josh, quit complaining and move on!
I recently read your blog. I regretably agree that it is true that Wal-Mart is a horrible place and that I work there. But at the same time, the Wal-Mart here is the only source of real business; that along with the college here. Quite frankly, I feel like a horrible person when I come home every day knowing that I work for a company that not only rips off the employees, but the customer as well. The slogan claims that Wal-Mart "Always Sells Less...Always" is a bunch of bull. I mean, if they really sold for less, why am I having to shop at Save-A-Lot or other General Stores? I realize that these stores don't sell in massive quantity nor in great quality. But times are harsh. Which call for desperate measures.
However, even though I state as much as this, I can't help but know that if I were to quit, I wouldn't have any better opportunity to work any where else in this small town. I am stuck.
I Work for Wal-Mart, and they are NOT a Low Wage Company as everyone says they are, Wal-Mart is the Largest Company in the world and will always be the Largest Company, I have worked at Wal-Mart for almost 1 year .. I started June 26,2007 til now and I am working Great I work at Supercenter #5386 and It is the Best store that I have ever worked at.. I am making more then $9.50 an hr. .. Everyone says that they are a low wage company Heck No. Wal-Mart has the Cheapest Prices then any store I have ever been in.. Now that prices are going up because of Gas Prices Increasing.. Anyways work for Wal-Mart, If youare Full-Time you get Great benefits after 6 Months Part Time you have to wait for about a Year or 2 before you get Full Benefits..
I working there asnd in 7 Months I now have Blue Cross of Illinois, which is a Great Insurance Company the One before that is the Worst Company which is Bridge Star they are not a good company.. That is why they have been know for Frauding Customers.. But anyways everyone should work for Wal-Mart they always have job openings at all their 4,000 Store Locations WorldWide!
Always Low Prices!
It's so funny, I ran across your blog because I being a poor college student with a family to raise needed a job, and walmart offered more than other places in town. But, we really don't shop there anymore. At first we thought we were saving money when we first started shopping there, but in the end we found while they offered great deals on some things, other things were as expensive if not MORE expensive than the local grocery store.
My husband says I probably won't last, I don't take ignorant "high and mighty" attitudes from mangagers of "walmart/fastfood" places too well.
Get off your high horses managers of these places, you're not exactly a chemist, engineer, surgeon... You are as many of us are, at the bottom of the food chain.
I've always wondered why I never see a Wal-Mart in the downtown core of my city...
Interesting that with a degree in Political Science you would choose to work at Wal-Mart.
I definetly agree!
I dont work there but ive heard the same thing from kids i know who do work there.
plus i dont liek walmart hhaah
Why did you choose to work at WAL-MART?
With a poly-sci degree you should be making 200-300K a year.
I read your statments and you are sooo true I started out @ 7.40 also and a few years later was @ .50 more. Upper management has no form of home training, they're rude and they wont speak to you if you stepped on their feet. Wal-Mart has no sense of family. You work everybodies position, but yet they wont give you that position's pay rate whether it be less/more. Don't get me wrong it's nothing wrong w/learning new things, but be fair about it. Like you said if it wasn't for the people that you meet while working there it would be worthless. Store 3265, VA.
I have a different opinion and believe that it is because of the crapy environment that we get such low, affordable prices! I work at Target and I love it. I have lots of benefits and a great pay, as well as good conditions of work. But when I choose where to shop, I prefer WalMart for lower overall prices. Target does have clearance now and then, but I get a better deal at WalMart and that's all I care about in todays recession conditions. I know WalMart pretty much "rapes" their employees, but if you don't like your job- find another one that you will like more. No one is forcing you to stay...
Oh yeah, Panthere rousse, I respect your opinion and I do understand that BIG Retails take over all the little businesses, but I do hope to see a Walmart in my little town. It will allow me and my buddies to save some cash, which feels great.
I stumbled across your blog today and, having read it from start to finish, I have to say thank you for sharing it with us.
I just finished my thesis, which was on a homeless ministry in Oklahoma. One of the women being helped by the ministry recently got a job at the local Walmart, where she works terrible hours for $7/hr, and what little she doesn't spend on rent, she spends on food and clothes at her place of employment.
Thanks for shedding some light on the situation from the inside. I wish I'd seen this sooner.
Audrey Dodgen
This entire blog is moot. Your "experiment" failed before it even started. You went to Wal-Mart with a preconceived notion that you were going to have a horrible time working there, and, big surprise, you did!
I hate the fact that snobs such as yourself, with your political science degree, your sense of self-righteousness, and your "fuck-the-man" attitude, find that it's your place in the world to tear apart the jobs that REAL, every day Americans have to do. Look at America now: The economy is screwed because Clinton and the Democratic party told everyone that they deserved to own houses of their very own! So what did they do? Took out loans that they couldn't pay to buy houses that they didn't deserve. Now we're left to deal with the debris that is our economy. The truth is, no one is entitled to anything for nothing. You're entitled to what you earn, nothing more.
You've fooled yourself into believing that you're different from the rest of us because you've gone to college and you've gone to a third world country and watched as little children create products to be sold here in America. You have no idea what a real, average American goes through. When there's no other jobs to go to. You didn't have to go home and worry about your future, because you had other jobs and opportunities to fall back on.
But if you want to bullshit yourself into believing that you've made a difference by working at a job that you obviously feel is below you, than go right ahead. But you haven't made a difference. And you won't.
So go on, tell everyone that anything is better than working at Wal-Mart. I'm sure your fellow liberals will heed your words with righteous revelry. But the rest of us will be down here in the real world, taking what jobs we can, while you and yours sit in the corners with your heads in the clouds, dreaming of a perfect socialist state where that doctor upstairs earns just as much as that street-sweeper across the hall and everyone has free health care.
Enjoy. But don't preach. I'm sure 95% of your traffic is made up of Wake Up Wal-Mart subscribing yuppies with nothing better to do than to "look out" for the average men below them.
I have read your blog from start to finish, and believe me when I say that this has been an enlightening piece of work.
I work for a big box retailer and like most of the commenters, have also lived through pieces of your story.
Good work and good luck! This should be come a book one day.
i guess my problem is this... i will trade you your culture of fear for a job. my husband hasnt worked in months, we are losing everything, he would gladly take minimum wage because a job is a job, walmart isnt here to fulfill you. its work. its grunt crap work, but poverty from walmart work is better than homelessness from no work.
To the people on here bitching about how employees aren't forced to work for Walmart or other retailers: Having a pitiful wage is slighty better than not having one at all, and if they don't yet have the experience or education they need to move on to something better, then they are indeed 'forced' to turn to lesser options, until another door opens for them, which can undeniably take a long damn time depending on various circumstances. Sometimes, believe it or not, there simply are NOT other options.
The 'they pay more than minimum wage' argument isn't valid unless the wage they pay is livable. Minimum, or just above minimum, is NOT livable, and with the kind of money that Walmart and other huge retailers rake in, they can absolutely afford livable wages for their people. The only excuse for their not doing so is human greed.
So go on with your ignorant bitching about how everyone needs to get an education to get a better job, but be sure to explain how that will be possible when walmart and other such corporations refuse to pay enough for their employees to provide for themselves or their families, let alone enough to afford an education in any given field. Or their children's education for that matter.
Oh, and go on some more about how people in unskilled professions, regardless of their circumstances, and regardless of their families, don't deserve a livable wage. Because that's really what you're saying. That'll really convince people to shut up and happily accept their situation, now won't it?
Also, this:
It pertains mostly to the state of Vermont, but it's good information to take in nonetheless.
Yea walmart can really push and pull people however they want... but, what of the people who can't get a job because of something unfortunate, should we doom them to work at fast food joints because of a boycott? The idea is good in theory, but reality is, a lot of people need those meager hours and wages, and to hurt the company, your hurting their employees. less customers, less money, means less hours, less employees is higher unemployment rate.
It's so easy for someone who's able to afford a degree from a college (Stonehill College) that charges $30,000 per year to completely miss the point when it comes to jobs that won't let you afford such luxuries.
Quite simply, the work done at Wal-Mart isn't worth $10.00 per hour. If someone is capable and willing to do the work for $7, then it's not a job any smart business person is going to pay $10 for someone to do.
I read your post because I just got a call from walmart setting up an interview next week.
All of your points are valid. As a customer i realized a long time ago that employees have no control or discretion in anything they do, so blaming them is worthless.
Also you're right about not having enough cashiers to check everyone out.
Also, rarely have I gotten help from associates, so I just don't ask anymore.
Now I'm not saying that workers should greet every customer but i do believe that they should be willing to answer your questions.
But not shopping at walmart would hurt your fellow employees who would get downsized/have their hours cut etc.
The sad thing is that Walmart hurts other retailers as well. I used to work for a grocery store in high school and even part time employees had health benefits (prescription, doctor visits,etc) but increased pressure to cut prices for products led them to cut benefits.
I think walmart has just taken efficiency to the extreme, not caring about people in the process. And walmart can afford to have turnover, there are many people willing to take those jobs, especially minorities like me.
I don't believe that the Wal-Mart that we see today is truly what Sam Walton had envisioned when he started out.He didn't know his own strength. In smaller towns in the United States it is nearly impossible to stay away from this monopolizing corporation because of their low prices and variety. And as far as working there, It's politics. Wal-mart is filled with very kind people to work the registers and aide customers in finding what their looking for but most of the management are found to be lazy, low-life tyrants.Never available for their workers. For a while, Wal-Mart has been concerned about the high turn-overs. Treat your people right and they'll want to stay.
Hi Josh, that blog you wrote is completely true. I started working at Wal Mart about 4 months ago, I am also a cashier. I really like what I do, and I like the people who I work with. With everything that Wal Mart associates have to deal with everyday, it is not right they way they are treated. At the Wal Mart that I work at they mostly hire part time, just so that they don't have to give the workers as much benefits, and they only get a raise after a year, and it depends on the work you put in, the most that you can get for your raise is 50 cents. They bumped up the pay as soon as I started working their, which was good for me, but It is sad that I am making more then a girl who has been working there for over a year, and she just got her raise. She didn't even know that the wage went up so she was making less then the people who were only working their for a day. While they continue to hire part time people, they continue to lose workers. Another thing about Wal Mart that all the associates hate is that they do not have a proper schedule, instead they have a computer telling people when they work, instead of everyone having a steady schedule, which they could easily do, they could have you working until 11:30 one night and then have you be there at 6:30 the next morning, which is really unfair to do to anyone. You are right about people not making enough money by working at Wal Mart, I was talking to another lady who was a cashier there, who had been working at Wal Mart 10+ years, and she said that she can barely afford to pay her bills, while another had to get a part time job. I wasn't to concerned about it because for me this is just a job until I can find another, more rewarding one, as it is for many of the others working with me. Wal Mart takes their workers for granted and don't realize that there wouldn't be a Wal mart with out the employees. It is also said to watch everyone work so hard while the hire ups and bosses do so little. Wal Mart is a self company, that does not care about their employees or customers. There were even a couple incidents with cashiers that were getting stalked at work, they didn't care, except for the repuatation of the store. I understand why people shop there, it's a big store, and it's got some good deals. I had just never known how unfair it was to their workers.
Wow, I read your whole blog and I must say it is fantastically written. I actually am very familiar with the Augusta Walmart and have been discouraged to shop there by many of my "socially-conscious" friends; but I never really understood why so many felt it was sinister enough to boycott. I now I have a better idea of the innerworkings of such establishments and and am now a smarter consumer.
Mrs. Manager, you're so full of yourself. Your "Big Man" and his "gang" who "treat "worthless" employees" badly appreciating the bonus cuts and the orders to fire the employees making the most - even if they have to be soulless liars and make something up to do it?
Having a good time "coaching" [read: screaming at] old ladies who've never done anything but a good job in the 20 years they've worked there, are they?
I've seen Walmart management so ashamed of themselves over what they were actually doing for a buck that they couldn't look anyone in the eyes. If I was married to a man like that I don't think I'd be too proud of either of us.
How do you sleep at night?
Once upon a time, boys and girls, retail was not a dirty word. It was a perfectly respectable industry in which to work and was known to pay well because it was very fast-paced, physically demanding work that required professionals with tact, honesty, energy and flexibility.
You could actually make decent money and support a family. Many of you people are either too young to know what you've missed or never knew anything about retail to begin with and comparing Walmart to McDonald's is totally asinine.
Employers knew that in order to keep their customers happy they needed happy, adult, knowledgeable employees.
Why do you think most of what you'll find in a Box-mart these days are ignorant, rude children and illiterate non-English speaking slackers?
It's because the self-respecting adults won't tolerate the pitiful pay, ridiculous acne-faced juvenile management and blatant disrespect for customers that has only recently destroyed retail as a serious occupation.
Walmart has been a horrible employer for years but the current economy has made it possible for them to very quickly become unbelievably more atrocious in their dealings with customers, employees, vendors, suppliers, third party reps, etc.
Walmart destroys other businesses and destroys other employers; ending up being the only choice for merchandise and jobs left in most places they build - until they desert the place and leave a bankrupt, polluted ghost town.
They aren't "picked on" because they're the LARGEST COMPANY ON THE PLANET, they are detested (by people who can connect the dots) because they are an increasingly nightmarish plague on the planet. They aren't just an awful place to work, they're a major global drag on labor and the entire global economy.
Do a little research and try to
find out what the hey you're talking about before you make a horses rear of yourself.
I work at Walmart. It is my fourth retail job, and I must say, it is far better than the rest. I have worked at Circuit City (now defunct mainly because of employee treatment and standards), KMart (very confusing and disorganized), and Target (which was BY FAR the worst of all).
The important thing to remember is that retail jobs are just bad jobs. Even Department Managers are expendable (and why shouldn't they be? It's an unskilled trade).
However, Walmart's starting pay for any position is higher than other large stores. In my experience (same region): Target (200 Team Members: $7.75 no benefits at all), Walmart (500+ Associates: $8.30 + VERY basic benefits such as life insurance and a pay differential on Sundays.)
Walmart can keep employees better than most other stores. I think that's significant. Target has a grossly high turnover rate, even in management (I recently saw someone I worked with at Target 8 months ago. Apparently, she is one of five or six people still there from that time in the entire store).
I think you have to look at Walmart as a job, and not a career, because it isn't. I kind of like my job (although I am really sick of working in retail), and I have good, responsive managers (for the most part). I've been on the front end for a two months and I was just interviewed for CSM yesterday. I don't know if I'm going to take the position but it's a nice gesture. I only have three years of experience in retail.
I'm not some kind of supporter of Walmart. I'm just saying that it isn't that bad. Other unskilled jobs in this area are far worse (they're mainly sweatshops; I live in upstate New York where there are many leather, steel, and window factories). Going into a job at Walmart, you can't expect much. I went there expecting better pay than I had gotten at Target (and I got it), better hours (got those too), and better treatment (and I DEFINITELY got that).
Wow you are such a bitch, yes I hate Walmart as much as you but good god kid, you fucking whine way too much.
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As a former Wal Mart associate of 9 1/2 years (front end supervisor), I can relate personally to much of what you said in your blog. When I began at Wal Mart, it was a great place to work. The managers of the individual stores actually "managed" the store, unlike today, and cared about their associates. They would work with you on your schedule, ask about you and your family if they were ill, and make you feel as though your contribution to the store was important. It's called "Respect for the Individual", which is supposed to be one of the 3 basic beliefs.
However, over the past 3 years, due to direct corporate intervention and micromanagement, things have gone steadily down hill. Associates are now regarded as nothing more than mindless drones. Nobody has a true "job assignment" anymore. Everyone is expected to work anywhere in the store, even though they have no knowledge of the products or procedures in a given area. A 70 year old lady who has worked for 20 years in the cosmetics department can be told to go help unload heavy boxes from a truck or sell guns in sporting goods on the drop of a dime.
A stupid, mindless computer makes out the work schedule for all associates, and the supervisors are no longer allowed to modify it or make any accommodations for the needs of individual associates. You either work exactly when the computer tells you to, or be disciplined. No discretion and no options to the supervisors. It's utterly absurd.
Profit (read "Greed") is the overriding and really the only consideration in all decisions made by the executives.
It's truly a sad state of affairs.
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Get over it. If working at Wal Mart doesnt satisfy you, get another job! Stop complaining! I didnt like working at DQ, so I quit. Its just that simple... jeeze!
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Some how I feel that it has been forgotten that this is a free market society and a "consumer" based lifestyle. As I used to work for wal-mart and now work for a competitor, i see the exact same crap in a store that says they are the best place to "work" and "shop." Unfortunately, we are consumers and the only thing that is thriving is service jobs because we are a lazy nation. You won't change wally world nad every other retail outlet or grocery store until you change the nation's state of mind.
too late for that now... regretfulness already suck everything in...
why workers in walmart are treated so bad but most of them still work there? Because they do not really care. This blog is stoped at 2006. Why? Maybe because the writer moved on to his new life. Please do not only write. Start a law sue. Walmart job is not a good job, so when people move on from this kind of bad job, they really forget it soon. But there are still millions of workers in walmart now who are treated unfair and bad. I had to go home 1 AM in the morning and I am a woman. I am working in the walmart and I am watching it. I will not only write some blog and forget it. I will find a way to make the new laws and write the book to let the bad things about walmart will be read forever. I am not an America. Walmart is all over the world. I will write the book in my own language and one day it will be translated in many different language to be read all over the world. Walmart looks down on its employees because they think people working in walmart are poor and uneducated, so they can not write books and can not hire lawyers, but they are wrong. I am not poor and I am educated. And I do know one of my workmate has a very very rich family, but why do some rich people working in walmart? Because they are watching walmart inside. And I do not think the poor people, not matter they are educated or uneducated, they should be treated and respected as much as Mr president, because the USA is built in the belief everyone is equal. I hope those worker in walmarts will believe in themselves, believe they are important to their countries and the world, believe one person can changes the world to be better so long as he believes. Today all kinds of people can sit beside each other in the bus because not many years ago, one black woman sat on the seats that only for white people and she believed what she did was right.
Many people still worked at Walmart because the job market is so bad. You have no choice but just get a job. I have been working for Walmart for almost 10 years, and now I consider to leave. I apply for Manager program more than 1 year but they never consider me. My evaluations alway above expectation. I am a dedicate worker. My jobs finish on time, high quality. Everyone love me. But they hire people doesn't know what to do , half of the time came to me and asked me how to do.
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i got fired from walmart for calling 911 for an associated that came to me (i was a csm) holding her chest saying "call 911 i got pains in my chest"
This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at workingatwal-mart.blogspot.com.
Can I use part of the information from this post above if I provide a link back to this site?
I worked at a walmart for aproximately 3 months,
a month and a half as a cart pusher, and a month and a half as a Bottle Redemption associate.
The stockman job was tough and grueling, but to be honest, it certainly wasn't too bad, because at least it was fair. afterall, before I was hired at walmart, I was overweight and being a cart pusher helped slim me down.
once I got into the bottle room, however, that is when the truth about this company really hit me.
as a stockman, I never had less than 39 hours, and the week I began in the bottle room at 40 hours, my schedule as a stockman for that week would have only been 33 hours. after about two weeks in the bottle room, I got a written coaching because the bottle room got dirty less than an hour after my scheduled shift was over. Now, think about this: I work the day shift, and I'm getting off just as the rush begins, and I have experianced cases where the trash cans are filled up again less than 30 minutes after I emptied them.
at the same time, my hours started getting cut back. one week I was only scheduled for 25 hours. I complained about this and got them bumped back up to 33. whoopy-do. wso, I have been staying late most of the time in order to ensure the room is clean enough to avoid a D-Day, which I ended up getting two weeks later any way. 3 weeks after that, I was fired.
I really wish I had done the research and read post like your blog on my D-Day so I could have told Wal-mart to stick it and have an untarnished working record.
Knowing what I know now about the company, that's actually the least they could have done to me.
I will never set foot inside a wal-mart store ever again.
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I am sick of hearing people trash walmart I have shopped there my whole life and now I work there. I started part time at 8.00 an hour with benefits in a year. It is a nice friendly place to be I love it. the managers a great and people are respectful. Unlike your other stores such as Meijers where the stuck up snobby people go to spend more money then they need to.
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Hi Josh, you were true in every part..i have already shared this with face book!
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Looking at the pro-walmart posts, it's easy to tell who had no concept of the real world.
Wal*Mart is now refusing to give full-time hours in order to avoid paying over-time and benefits. It's impossible to get a full-time job unless you're friends with management, and even then the hours are kept below the minimum
to avoid paying benefits.
People don't go to Wal*Mart by choice. I lost my job in the fall and am stuck in a dead-end town with no way of getting to the city for a job. I've applied twice since the fall, and they absolutely refuse to give me so much as an interview because I have more experience than the store's manager. A friend of mine, who has been working there since the day the store opened and has been trained several times for assistant manager, but every time the position has been given to a prostitot who is barely off their probation period, and the head offices do NOTHING.
There are good people working at Wal*Mart, but the company is run by crooks and you're just plain stupid if you think otherwise. Nobody works there by choice; they work there because it's the only thing they can do legally to support themselves and their family.
Thank you for standing up and posting this stuff.
It's really great that you do so.
You know what, man, I am a college graduate and I also work at Walmart. In fact, I majored in sociology, a fairly similar major to political science.I work there because I have to, not for some bs "greater cause." I find your blog extremely pretentious and full of it. Maybe if someone wrote this who doesn't have an extremely apparent martyrdom complex, this could be a good read.
Well Josh didn't explain the benefits for part time now did he...you are a failure. As part time you get, with time in grade, 401 benefits. The company has matching funds up to 6%, and the list goes on for several pages to include health benefits. The lies perpetuated by the youth of today is just suck. Go and have your Francis Fox Pevin moment in a third world nation.
Link to a story about 3 Walmart associates who were fired for defending themselves.
Link to a story about a coffee shop employee who shot and killed a robber. This guy was offered his job back.
This did go aginst their policy.
Walmart should back their people up a little more then they do, and the ones who stand up for their people should not be punished.
I read your whole blog start to finish... and i completely agree... i work at walmart only because at this point in time it is SOO hard to find a job. My husband is returning home from a year long tour in Afghanistan and walmart straight up told me that i would be lucky to have the day he comes home off let alone the month i had requested. I was then FORCED to go to HR to request this time off. This company claims to be all about the families when in all actuality they dont give a flying crap about its associates or their families...
hey i just found your blog and im refreshed to know that other people go through the same things i do.. ive been at walmart for over a year now and have just recently been given a raise from my initial pay of 7.25 an hour which barely covered my cost of living being a full time student with an hour round trip commute to work and a thirty minute round trip to school each day.. i think we need more people like you who will stand up to make a difference in a company like walmart and show the people of the world what really goes on behind closed doors
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You my freind are fool of shit.Thanks to WalMart I make over a 120k a year. I have been employed through Walmart for about 5 years, I am curently a store manger in az. To top it all off I started from the bottom as a cartpusher and worked my way up,and I also dont have a high school diploma.Walmart may not start you off at a good wage but at least they give you thechance to earn one.
Did you consider offering an alternative to consumers and employees of walmart? Walmart solves very difficult problems for both parties every day; either in the form of a paycheck or in offering the best price on consumer goods.
Your endeavor regretfully serves as non-constructive criticism.
Good luck in your future endeavors.
I just finished reading your blog, I have been working at Walmart for six months now, and when I started I thought much like you do. But I happen to work at the sixth highest paying store in the country (i.e I make $11 per/hour) and I'm only a cashier. As much as I agree with some of the things you have written, I think you really need to address other aspects too.
First off, when I started I never had a good job before, I was a college freshman and had been working at McDonalds as a manager in training for too long, you want a work place to complain about? Pick McDonalds, not even your most shocking stories compare. I came to Walmart the summer before college praying to make slightly above minimum wage, I was elated when they offered me more than I had ever made in my life even as a manager at McDonalds. My coworkers? Absolutely amazing. And most of them are college students like me, or older people who just want something to do. These are aspiring leaders of America, I myself am going to school so I may one day become a doctor, as are many other cashiers I work with. Sure there is crap that goes on, but I think we can all agree after the Safeway incident recently, smaller grocery stores don't always equal better.
I myself love my community with it's farmers markets and small town businesses, and I shop there as often as I can, but I am still a college student, making more than most true, but I have a limited budget. Not to mention our Walmart strongly supports our local farms. We have always sold local produce, corn, pumpkins, apples, you name it. But I live in Montana, so naturally there are times in the year when we simply don't have local veggies for sale (we also just don't grow oranges or pineapples). As far I my personal experience? They have been good to me, always. I have worked a hellish job, and while I respect your efforts, I also think you haven't ever worked a truly horrible job. You complain about benefits, but I simply lived without for years, you complain about pay, I was elated when they told me what I would make. I went six months without a job, Walmart saved my butt. And I have a wonderful relationship with my managers (granted everyone
s experience with management is always different). Not to mention, I am big on research, it's what I will be doing for a career. Why haven't you mentioned that Walmart's actually BRING income into a town and small businesses? I live in a small town, and trust me, it has not killed the competition, it has helped it, people not travel all the way from Yellowstone because they know we have a Walmart here, and then they stop at the "Mom and Pop" places on their way. And unfortunately, those places that Walmart HAS killed, could never provide the jobs that a single Walmart can. It seems to me that you truly don't know what it is to not have enough money to spend on over-priced food. I do, and honestly, when the local place offers Top Ramen at $1.00 a bag, and we have it for $.28 exactly not including my discount card? I'm sorry the local place looses. No competition ALWAYS equals poor service, this principle applies to small towns as well. For people like me this place is a gift, i simply couldn't afford to live without it, (and not because I don't get paid enough!). Not to mention, the amount of work I do for what I am paid is not at all reflective. May I say I have worked twice if not three times as hard for minimum wage. I used to work three jobs equaling over 60 hours a week in high school, I think I know what a hard day's work is like, not to mention my med school double-major I am currently working on. I thank you for your honesty and your wonderful writing, you are quite a good writer unlike myself. But I do disagree, and I wish you had shown the other side of it. Walmart has given me the nicest job I have ever had, and they are giving me the salary I need to get to med school.
I've worked at walmart for a number of yrs and agree with your assesment. This year my store didn't even hire any extra seasonal workers because of "lack of money" or "budget constrants" it's been extremely difficult in my department because they added layaway and refused to give us a second register. It's been mentally and physically exhausting and this next week will be even worse.
I really liked your article.
My daughter has worked at walmart Minneapolis Mn. for over 4 1/2 yrs. She has some challenges and is a greater for the store. When she started she told them she was in special olympics and was told no problem. But even though she participates in only two sports every time Sept. comes around for 4 yrs. Her hrs. are cut down to basiclly nothing. This yr. 2011-2012 was the worst ever. In Dec. she worked 30 hrs. and in Jan. YES I am talking about in a month of working she was scheduled for 9.5 hrs that month and in Feb. about the same. March is starting out the same! But you still can't schedual Dr. apts. or anything else because as mentioned by others you have no life because Walmaet uses their employees. And may want you available when they want you. Leaving you unable to do anything but wait and hope you can work!
I was at a bank resently and was telling one of the workers there about thiis situation and she said she just had a special olympics person come in to get a credit card just to eat and pay the bills. Then I knew this was not just a certain store this was all walmart stores. If you are not avalable to work on Sat. for practice, the hrs. you have worked during the week if you are lucky enough to get any of those they are taken away and their you are! What do you do?
I have over 4yrs of calenders to proove it. If I told you everything Walmart has done to their employees it would boggle your mind. I know that everything anyone has written here is true. Because of all I have seen and experienced. I believe that what they do is cut the persons hrs. so low that they can't even eat so they will quit and then walmart does not have to pay them unemployment and with the job market being what it is people do not know what to do. I don't know how they sleep at night. I believe they have unwritten rules and to be a superviser they must look for people who have hearts of stone! I wish I could tell you more but I would be writing a book just full of dispair.
Funny how someone living on the other side of this great country sees Walmart the same way I do. You are dead on the mark in saying that the only thing that matters to Walmart is profit. And also let me say I support your ideas. I work at Walmart and I shop at Target.
Walmart India is a known corporate terrorist that has reached to the top by kicking, and hurting all the people connected to their warped system. However, we should realise the fact that the people behind this corporate beast have been manipulating humanity for a long time.
Been curious if Walmart would fire me because today I hit the computer because it keeps freezing up in the auto shop althought I didn't hit it hard the screen shattered. Will they fire me or take it out of my check because I wasn't intentionally trying to break it. Feedback would be awesome thanks.
I would have to agree with you almost entirely... Walmart has done a lot for me as a college student as well. I make over $10 an hour and when I tell my friends that they are in shock. The job can be hell at times but it's hard to find anything else around here that pays that well and will work around my class schedule. I also do agree with others that they over work employees and do other crap but I know that's the case when working for any retail company. I don't love my job, I can't even say I like it, but I am thankful for it and choose it over anything else.
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